Health Screening
To contribute to the improvement of the national health and the reduction of the national medical expenses by detecting and curing life style diseases and five major types of cancer in advance.
Service scope
- General medical examination (examination available at health centers)
- Targets subject to examination : Persons subject to examination among the subscribers to the national health insurance (household members aged at 20 or older and dependents), Persons subject to examination among the recipients of medical benefits (aged between 19 and 64).
- Examination fees : Free
- Examination areas : 22 areas including blood and urine test, X-ray, dental examination
accent Examined areas vary across age groups (examination table available on the website of the National Health Insurance Service), life transition period health examination for the recipients of medical benefits (examination available at health centers).
- Targets subject to examination : Persons subject to examination among the recipients of medical benefits aged 66 or older
- Examination fees : Free
- Examination areas : Anthropometry, cognitive impairment, mental health examination, etc.
accent Examined areas vary across age groups (examination table available on the website of the National Health Insurance Service).
- Specific cancer examination (not available at health centers)
- Targets subject to examination : Persons subject to the examination of the corresponding cancer at the age of 20 or older (examination table available on the website of the National Health Insurance Service)
- Examination fees : Free or 10% co-payment
- Examination areas : Gastric cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, cervical cancer (varies among individuals)
- Examination location : Hospitals designated by the National Health Insurance Service
Persons subject to examination
- Community-based insurance subscribers, householders and persons at the age or 40 or older (those who were born in even-numbered years in an even-numbered year and vice versa)
e.g. persons whose two initial numbers of their resident registration numbers are even numbers in 2016 and odd in 2017, and so on - Employment-based insurance subscribers and dependents at the age of 40 or older
- Office workers who are subject to examination in the corresponding year (once every two years)
- Non-office workers (once every year)
Operating hours
All year round (Mon-Fri between 09:00-11:30, Lunch hour : 12:00~13:00)
Examination procedure
Fast overnight (at least 8 hours) and visit the first floor of the Public Health Center. No reservation required (please bring your ID).
Department of Medicine, Yeongdeungpo-gu Public Health Center ☎ : 02-2670-4817
Health Examination Center ☎ : 02-2670-4841~2
National Health Insurance Service ☎ : 1577-1000