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>About >Emblem

Symbol Mark

yeongdeungpo-gu emblem
  • Embodiment of the Korean alphabet 'ㅇ(yieung)', the first initial (phoneme) of Yeongdungpo-gu and O of 'O,X' or O of ‘OK’ in English, which are the universal language representing the future.
  • Yeongdungpo-gu symbol imageRepresents vigorous and the centrality image of springy and dynamic Yeongdungpo-gu.
  • Future-oriented symbol imageEmbodies blossoming sprouts and the blue Han River and it represents comfortable nature-friendly environment, and symbolizes future-oriented image of Yeongdungpo-gu that leap forward through unity by forming a trinity among gu office, citizens and enterprises.
  • Visual representation of Yeongdungpo-gu along with symbol marks. The straight and curve lines formed in harmony illustrate united services, implicating the unique characteristics of Yeongdungpo-gu.


yeongdeungpo-gu Slogan

The image depicts Yeongdeungpo as a human-centric city that seeks to improve the true happiness of its residents and strives beyond being an industrial city.


yeongdeungpo-gu Character


Embodies dynamic Yeongdeungpo, which advance to future in harmony of all elements, including culture, economy and nature. Its head symbolizes clean and green Yeongdungpo, and the cutting-edge graphic elements around the body represent the city leaping to advance economic Yeongdeungpo.


yeongdeungpo-gu main color yeongdeungpo-gu sub color
  • [Main Color] : Signifies the future vision of hopeful and vigorous Yeongdeungpo-gu.
  • [Sub Color] : Represents fresh and nature-friendly environment.
  • yeongdeungpo-gu city tree : ginko tree
    City Tree
    Ginko Tree

    Elegant and refreshing, with a long life grows into a big tree, symbolizes unlimited development of Yeongdeungpo.

    City Tree(jpg)Down
  • yeongdeungpo-gu city Bird : Wild Duck
    City Bird
    Wild Duck

    Winter birds, the forebear of tame ducks and members of the duck family, known to visit Bam Island the most.

    City Bird(jpg)Down
  • yeongdeungpo-gu city Flower : Magnolia
    City Flower

    The flower blossoms before the leaves in the early spring. Its creamy-white, pure and elegant image represents the sentiment of Yeongdeungpo citizens.

    City Flower(jpg)Down

담당자 정보1

  • 담당부서 영등포구청
  • 전화번호 02-2670-3114
  • 팩스번호 02-2670-3002
  • 당직실 02-2670-3000